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Position Analyze

Range Analyze

Position Data Glossary of Terms
Nav Mode - User Operating Mode (0 = Initialization, 1 = SPS, 2 = NPA, 3 = PA)
Nav Status - Navigation Solution is valid (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Sat Valid - Number of GPS & GEO satellites in user solution
Flag - Receiver data validity flag (0 = RCVR valid, 1-10 = Number of healthy SV�s not used, -1 = solution has diverged)
HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision
VDOP - Vertical Dilution of Precision
HPL - Horizontal Protection Level (meters)
VPL - Vertical Protection Level (meters)
East Error - East Position Error = Estimate � Truth (meters)
North Error - North Position Error = Estimate � Truth (meters)
Vert Error - Vertical Position Error = Estimate � Truth (meters)
Range Data Glossary of Terms
Elevation - Satellite elevation in degrees (0 � 90)
Azimuth - Satellite azimuth in degrees (0 � +/-180)
Quality - Supported Operating Mode (0 = invalid, 1 = SPS, 2 = NPA, 3 = PA)
Validity - Range Error is used in Position Solution (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Tropo Delay - Slant Tropospheric Delay (meters)
Error - Range Error to Satellite: Estimate - Truth (meters)
Total UDRE - Total User Differential Range Error (meters)
Iono Error - Ionospheric Error: Estimate � Truth (meters)
Iono Delay - Ionospheric Delay (meters)
Residual - Navigation Solution Range Residual
UISE - User Ionospheric Slant Error (meters)
UDRE - WAAS User Differential Range Error (meters)
Long Corrections - WAAS Long Corrections (meters)
Corrections - WAAS Fast Corrections (meters)
Rate Corrections - WAAS Clock Corrections (meters)
Diff Delay - Dual Frequency Iono Delay Calculated against L1
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
Status - RCVR Signal Data Flag (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)
Flags - Signal Used in Calculation (0 = Not Used, 1 = Used)
KLOB Iono Delay - Ionospheric Delay Calculated via Klobuchar Model
SV Used IND - Ignore, Internal Project use only
Icon Color Thresholds
Flag >=5 : Red

>=3 : Orange

>=1 : Yellow

Up Error >=5 : Red

>=2.5 : Orange

>=1.5 : Yellow

Sats Valid <=4 : Red
Receiver ID: ID Hex:
Time: Wktime:
Location: City:
Nav Mode: Nav Status:
Sat Valid: Flag:
Geo Stream: Up Error:
East Error: North Error:
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Satellite PRN: Time:
Elevation: Azimuth:
KF Reset Flag: Quality:
Validity: Error:
Corrections: Rate Corrections:
Long Corrections: IONO Error:
UISE: Iono Delay:
Tropo Delay: Residual:
L1 Status: L1 SNR:
L2 Status: L2 SNR:
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